Monday, August 25, 2008

Updates and reflection...

Oh where to begin? Let's go with the most exciting news, shall we? Whil and I have added a new member to our family! BoDee Abraham Windsorson Johnson McCutchan. Simply put, the world's cutest Boston Terrier!
Last week, Erica (I miss her!) posted a bulletin saying that her ex-husband was giving away their dog and she wanted to find him a good home. Whil sent me a text saying this was it, he knew BoDee was supposed to be our dog. Two days later, we picked him up!
He's so fucking awesome. He looks so much like Dexter, I find myself calling him Dex on occasion. I tell him he should take it as a compliment, I don't think he minds too terribly.
He's just fallen right into the groove with us. I was a little concerned about him adjusting and all that, but it feels like he's been with us for years. I couldn't possibly love him more.
I'll post pictures soon!

What else? Ah, yes. Well, today is August 25th. It's a strange day for me. Today, I would have been married 7 years. Instead, I barely made it over 7 months. I don't regret the decision I made, it was definitely the right thing to do for both of us, but I always look back and wonder how different things would have been had I not admitted I was wrong and gotten out.

I wish nothing but the best for Jeff, and I remember our time together fondly. I'm lucky in that there's no real animosity between he and I. Truth be told, I don't really think of him that often, outside of the month of August, every year...but I do hope he's doing well and is safe and happy. That's another thing, it's really hard to have an ex-husband who is active duty in the military. I never know what to think...should I be worried about him? Is that the right feeling to have? What am I supposed to do if the worst were to happen? Do I go to the funeral? (Morbid, yes...but I can't help it!) It's all so strange to think about.


Work is still work, life is still life.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Memories Ablaze.

Hell again.

I began composing a new blog yesterday, but then work distracted me (damn work...) and I forgot alllll about it, then closed it and it was gone forever. Poo.

So here's what's new (don't get your hopes up, there's not much): This weekend, Whil and I had some Dexter time! For those of you who don't know, Dexter is Whil's dog that he got with his ex-girlfriend Jillian. In effect, my Step-Dog :). Jillian is REALLY nice about letting us steal him for little sleep overs and that kind of thing, so this weekend, we did just that. He's such a good boy. Whil asked him if he wanted to go for a walk, and I swear to you...he nodded. I couldn't get him to do it again (even for pepperoni!) but he did it, damn it. He's reminded me how much I love having a dog around. I miss JayDee every single day, but I think I'm just about ready to love again. I don't think I'll be able to get a Pitbull again for a long long time, if ever (no other pit could ever measure up to JayDee), but I do think I'm ready for a pupster again. Once Whil and I get settled in a house, we'll make with the dog search.

Other than D-Money time, Whil's other band, Lazy Billy, played a show on Friday night with Heathen Ass Worship. God, I love when I get to see those guys. Thanks to all of you who came out, and hopefully those of you who didn't realize the error of your ways and will join us next time.
On the way home from the show, Whil and I turned down the street headed to our apartment and we saw an awful lot of smoke. My stomach dropped as I realized how close it was and that it was VERY probable that our apartment building was on fire...with my darling Fern inside. Luckily, it wasn't The Bridge. Whew. But it was something dangerously close, judging by the amount of smoke. We couldn't see 2 feet in front of us, our eyes were burning and we couldn't breathe. Naturally, we had to snoop it out. We walked down toward the Gateway since that's where the Fire Trucks and gawking crowds were...and there it was. A little piece of my history, up in flames. I don't know how many of you remember Club Axis...but I used to go there EVERY week with my girlfriends. Hell, I rang in my 21st birthday there! And there I stood, watching it burn to the ground. The smoke was too much, so we couldn't hang around for too long...but the next morning, we walked down to check out the damage. Man, oh had been gutted. Every last bit of it was black and charred. But at least someone is getting a hefty, unexpected insurance pay out!

Other than that...I don't have much to report. Saw Dark Knight on Sunday...awesome. Heath Ledger really put everything he had into that role, and he was INCREDIBLE. I hate when Christian Bale (who Kim Jones refers to as her "Best Forever Friend") does his Batman voice. I get the reason, but it drives me NUTS. Maggie Gyllenhaal is not attractive. And that's it.

I have to pee, so I'm going to take care of that.