Friday, January 30, 2009

The tide could very well be turning...

Well first of all, I totally ate shit coming up the stairs to work today. I was carrying a massive DCOI (for those who aren't awesome, that's a Diet Coke on Ice which is basically the love of my life), trying to put my sunglasses in my purse, and juggling BoDee's blanky all at once. I was 3 stairs from the top and my shoe somehow came off. I have small feet and damn near every pair of shoes I own is too big. I fell forward and landed with all of my weight on one knee. Of course it was my bad knee. Of course. You know what though? I saved my DCOI. I could have been concerned about hurting myself, but that seems just slightly less important than preserving my morning pick me up. As I fell, I yelled "shit!" rather loudly. I don't know why, but I physically cannot fall without screaming some sort of obscenity. Luckily, I get here pretty early so there weren't too many people to witness my fall. There were a couple dudes at their desks, so I just looked up, sprawled out on the floor, smiled and said "Hello!". What else can you do? So that's my morning.

Moving on, yesterday I had my performance review. I was pretty nervous about it, I won't lie. I feel like I work pretty damn hard, and give this job everything I have to give it, but there are times when I feel like my best just isn't good enough. There are definitely nights when I'm crying to Whil, wondering if maybe this just isn't the place for me. That actually happened just last week after a manager candidly told me that he felt I was awesome at the adhering to and enforcing the process involved with my job, but just plain sucked at my actual job. So you can see why I was just a little concerned. I could not have been more wrong. I left that review feeling motivated and renewed. Everything I've been striving to accomplish in this role has been recognized, and appreciated. Who knew!? And beyond all the positive feedback, I got a raise! Go me! I can't tell you how grateful I am. I know there are people being laid off, or struggling to find work, and here I am getting a raise. It's just so nice to be secure, and even more than that, to love what I do. I'm a happy little lady right now.

Also, I don't know how I've forgotten to mention it up till now, but I am well on my way to becoming a non-smoker! At the moment, I only smoke when I drink, which I feel pretty damn good about. So really, that means that I only smoke occasionally on the weekends. Not bad! Soon enough, I won't even need to do that. As much as I bitched about it, I have to say...the thing that really helped was the laws changing about smoking in bars. Having to leave my drink unattended, lose my spot or table and go outside and freeze my ass off is just so not appealing. We'll see how I handle it in the summer. I'm hoping by then, I'm over smoking when I'm drinking. So keep thinking happy thoughts for me!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Things and stuff

So...there's still not a whole lot going on in my life. There are some personal things going on in my life that are a little saddening to me, but I choose not to publish them on my public blog. Call me old fashioned. Meh.

Whil and I are looking for a new place to live. We're month to month right now and our lease is officially up in May so really, we could stay till then...but it's a moral issue. See, we live at The Bridge Project which is income based housing. When we moved in, we may have omitted some important ooooh, the fact that I would be living there too. Whil was making EXACTLY the max that he could make per year to be allowed to live there and I was making more than is allowed. So I couldn't live there on my own, much less with Whil. At the time, we really needed the break in rent, so I justified it. Just because the government doesn't think I need help doesn't mean I don't. But now, we're doing much better and I'm sure there are people who are in our position, so we feel like it's time to open it up for someone else.

We've been looking around and haven't really seen anything too promising. It's hard when you're paying so little for a 2 just feel like everything else out there is over priced! So we've just been keeping an eye out. Well...the other day, I found our dream house. The price is right and the house, well the house is just plain awesome. It was built in 1970 and totally looks like it. The layout is just plain ridiculous. it's a 1 bedroom plus office with 1 bathroom...but it's all spread out over 3 floors. Hilarious. The flooring is even funnier to me. Some places have this awesome red tile, others are hard wood...then there's random beige carpet. The kitchen counters are like a sea foam green with a yellow and black back splash. Like, seriously, this house screams Jonda and Whil. Some people may like the cookie cutter polished home look...we don't. We like personality and something unique. And man alive, this is IT.

Here's the only thing...they say no pets. So we're going to talk to them and explain BoDee's special situation. See, he's a dog yes, so that makes him a pet. BUT he comes to work with me every day. So really, he's never there if I'm not. What could he really do? AND we're willing to pay them $200 more than they're asking for the deposit and not ask for any of it back even if we leave the house in perfect condition. This means they would be making $1000 just to let us have a dog there. Beyond that, we're willing to sign a 2 year lease. I mean, COME ON! So I've decided this is our house. I've been sending all sorts of positive vibes out to the universe to let it know that's what I want, so it better deliver.

I'd post pics or a link or something, but until they tell me we have the house, I don't want anyone else to know about it! It's my hidden gem...and YOU can't have it!

That's it for now. OH! I have my yearly review at work today. There's a chance I could be getting a raise...think happy thoughts! Now that's really it. Love and kisses and some slobber from BoDee too.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

it's been a while

I warned you when I started that this would fall to the wayside, didn't I? Well, it looks like I was right again. I'm always right. It's a curse, really.
Let's see...what's new? In my personal life, I'm not sure that anything has really changed. Um...I moved into my new office at work. It's INCREDIBLE. It's freaking huge! it's so nice to have enough space to think. My goal for work this year was to get organized and stay that way, but in my old office, it was just impossible. Now I have the new office and an awesome new desk, I'd have to try NOT be organized. BoDee seems to really like it too :) He has his own space now to run around a little and even has a couch to snuggle up on if I'm too busy to have him in my lap. I'm realizing now that BoDee may be a little spoiled. Hehe.
As for the world in general, today, we made history. I just watched Barack Obama's innauguration as President of the United States. The office had an innaugural breakfast and we all sat and watched it together. It was the first time since I've been old enough to know what was really going on that I've felt proud watching a president be sworn in. I'm so excited for the next 4 years, I can't even express it.
Well, that's really all I can think to write about at the moment. I'll work on getting back in the swing of things and update this damn thing more often...I mean, I have to...Kirie said her Mom is disappointed. I can't have that! :)