Thursday, June 19, 2008

Damn the Man!

So, Whil found a job a few weeks ago working as the "Greeter" at the Verizon store at Gateway. They pay was AWESOME for what he was doing, and it was within walking distance from our place (a short walk, even), so he was really into it.
The only downside was that he was required to take a drug test. I'm sure you all know what that means for Whil...the chances of passing that are slim to none. But he gave it a shot. They started him before he found out the results of the test, but we weren't counting our chickens just yet.

The poor dude quit smoking the wacky tobaccy for 2 whole days (a feat I was particularly proud of him for), and got one of those cleansing drinks and did the whole deal exactly as he was instructed to. It seemed like there was a good chance he could pass it. Well...we found out today that he didn't pass it. Shock of all shocks, he tested positive for marijuana. He was SO bummed about it. Verizon and Adecco (the staffing agency that placed him there) said he can't work for them for at least a year! He's blacklisted for smoking pot. It's fucking ridiculous.

Now, I don't get high...I used to, but it's just not something I'm interested in anymore. However, I fully believe it should be legal. It's just so stupid to me that someone can come in and work for you and do a great fucking job, be a world class guy all around...but as soon as you find out he gets high in his spare time, you don't want him anymore. FUCK THAT SHIT.

I would venture a guess that at least 95% of my closest friends are avid pot smokers, and they are some of the BEST people I could ever hope to know. They are all functioning members of society, and all very intelligent and motivated. But still, unemployable by some standards. It's ridiculous.

So poor Whil is sitting at home, bummed as all hell, feeling like he failed himself and me. I know what you're all thinking...why doesn't he just quit? To that I say why don't all you Prozac loving depressed people quit taking the drug that keeps YOU leveled out?
Pot is Whil's natural way of keeping himself happy. He has his issues, just like we all do, and sometimes it would seem, even worse than we all do. But he doesn't believe in mood altering, FDA approved, anti-psychotics...and I don't blame him. Pot works for him. Come to think of it, it works for all kinds of people suffering from one ailment or another. Fuck, they prescribe it in other states...but here Whil is being turned away from a job he was doing a great job at, because the government hasn't found a way to make money off of his brand of Prozac.

I'll stop ranting and raving now...but I'm not pleased.

If anyone knows of a job that Whil may be good at, let me know. He's kind of fed up with call centers and is focusing on his own business venture at the moment, but is looking for part time work. Let me know if you hear of anything.

Stupid fucking shit. Ugh.

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