Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I've been tagged....

My Lovely Kirie Dear tagged me, so I am now I wouldn't have done it anyway?

8 TV shows I enjoy watching
1. Californication
2. True Blood
3. Dexter
4. Entourage
5. Rock of Love Charm School (judge if you like, I love me some trainwreck TV)
6. Girls Next Door
7. World Series of Poker
8. The Soup!

8 Things that happened yesterday:
1. Worky worky
2. BoDee pooped 5 times. That's a lot of poop for my little dog! You wanted to know...I know you did.
3. Guitar Hero World Tour - And it's getting returned today. The new guitar is crap.
4. Laundry. Joy.
5. Friggin cable and internet were shut off thanks to idiots handling the billing. I hate people.
6. My new favorite quote: (not for the kiddies, I'm warning you now) "You fucking cunt bitch, why are you driving like a whore?"
7. Bought the last couple items to complete mine and Whil's costumes.
8. Sleepy time.
8 Things I am looking forward to:
1. Halloween! I have the day off, so that alone makes it worth looking forward to.
2. Getting my hair cut...seriously, I have put this shit off for WAY too long.
3. Seeing Erica!
4. Whil starting his new job.
5. Hopefully NIN in Vegas in December. Anyone wanna buy us two $600 pit tickets? I'll smile real pretty at you.
6. Is it bad to be looking forward to Summer when fall hasn't even really started yet?
7. Building and moving into my new office at work!
8. Successfully convincing Kirie not to start making babies.

8 Things I love about Fall:
1. Halloween
3. Having an excuse to buy new clothes.
4. Snuggling to keep warm.
5. CIDER!!!!
6. Having a reason to put clothes on BoDee. I'd put them on Fern too, but he gets REALLY mad.
7. Wedding season is over! Now people will quit asking me when I'm going to get married. Seriously, don't hold your breath. Or do...that might get you to shut up.
8. This year, not having a yard to rake.

8 Things on my wish list:
1. Lots and lots of money
2. Pit tickets for NIN in Vegas.
3. The cutest fucking jacket in the world that Whil showed me at Gateway last night. Must have it.
4. President Barack Obama.
5. Me, 40 pounds lighter.
6. Money.
7. More Money.
8. A Second QA Person.

8 people I am tagging:
1. Jillian
2. Kristen
3. I
4. Need
5. More
6. Blog
7. Friends.
8. Seriously, there's no one else to tag.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Stolen from Jillian...

I don't have anything really to post about, so here's this...

7 things

7 Things I Can Do...
1. Ignore all my responsibilities
2. Make a damn fine mac and cheese from scratch
3. Dread lock upkeep (just because I CAN doesn't mean I DO)
4. Pin up hair - I have a natural talent for this, don't ask me how.
5. Procrastinate
6. Spend too much money on shit I don't need
7. Snuggle with the boys all day long

7 Things I Cannot Do...
1. Catch a softball thrown directly to me in a game (practice,, not so much)
2. Hit a softball thrown directly to me in a game
3. Say the P word commonly used as slang for Vagina (pu**y) without blushing and/or giggling wildly.
4. Tolerate ignorant people.
5. Nap
6. Type when someone is watching.
7. Stay mad at my pets.

7 Things That Attracted me to _____
1. Eye Balls. Prettiest green you ever did see.
2. Sense of humor. Funny fucker.
3. AWESOMELY HOT SHOULDERS/BACK. (seriously, be jealous)
4. He is the world's best pillow. You have no idea.
5. He loved my dog.
6. His character.
7. Everything else about him

7 Things I say Most Often...
1. You are!
2. Whiiiiiiiiil...!?
3. BoDee, come!
4. Fern, shut the hell up!
5. Your mom
6. Poo
7. I have to pee

7 Favorite Foods...
1. Pasta
2. Cheese
3. Fat
4. Fat
5. Fat
6. Fat
7. Fat