Tuesday, January 20, 2009

it's been a while

I warned you when I started that this would fall to the wayside, didn't I? Well, it looks like I was right again. I'm always right. It's a curse, really.
Let's see...what's new? In my personal life, I'm not sure that anything has really changed. Um...I moved into my new office at work. It's INCREDIBLE. It's freaking huge! it's so nice to have enough space to think. My goal for work this year was to get organized and stay that way, but in my old office, it was just impossible. Now I have the new office and an awesome new desk, I'd have to try NOT be organized. BoDee seems to really like it too :) He has his own space now to run around a little and even has a couch to snuggle up on if I'm too busy to have him in my lap. I'm realizing now that BoDee may be a little spoiled. Hehe.
As for the world in general, today, we made history. I just watched Barack Obama's innauguration as President of the United States. The office had an innaugural breakfast and we all sat and watched it together. It was the first time since I've been old enough to know what was really going on that I've felt proud watching a president be sworn in. I'm so excited for the next 4 years, I can't even express it.
Well, that's really all I can think to write about at the moment. I'll work on getting back in the swing of things and update this damn thing more often...I mean, I have to...Kirie said her Mom is disappointed. I can't have that! :)


Anonymous said...

Well it's about time!! I have been disappointed because I never see you any more and always wonder how you're doing. I love to go in and see how everyone is doing. Kirie tells me you're doing good and I've just had to go off her word.

ultrajonda said...

Well we know you can't trust that Kirie's word...she's full of lies, that one! ;)

Seth & Kirie said...

I totally agree - she is not to be trusted. Which is just one more reason why you should update your blog regularly...to avoid the spreading of lies ;)