Thursday, February 19, 2009


I am just...disgusted by the Utah Senate. Chris Buttars in specific. It is just amazing to me that this man can sleep at night. He can look himself in the mirror and not feel the need to drive himself off a cliff. The man is a fucking idiot. I wish that I could think more clearly so that I could come up with a better description of what he is, but I am just so disgusted that I can't even begin to articulate my thoughts adequately.
For anyone who isn't aware, I'm talking about Chris Buttars' comments on the Common Ground Initiative which simply asks that the LGBT community be granted the same civil and HUMAN rights as straight couples. Things like Expanding Health Care, Fair Housing and Employment (Right now it is legal in Utah for people to be fired from their jobs or evicted from their homes just because they’re gay or transgender.), and Removing existing barriers to inheritance and insurance (this bill was defeated in the Senate Judiciary Committee by a 4-2 vote).
All of these things seem like pretty basic allowances for ANYONE living in America...but that's not how it is. Freedom and Liberty and Civil Rights are available to any American, unless you live in some way that someone else doesn't understand or doesn't like. Then, you can go ahead and get fucked. Right?
Back to good ol' Buttars.
He called the gay-rights movement "probably the greatest threat to America", likened gay activists to Muslim radicals and dubbed same-sex relationships "abominations."
In the same interview with Reed Cowan on ABC he says
"It's the beginning of the end. Oh it's worse than that, sure. Sodom and Gomorrah was localized. This is worldwide."
When talking about the Initiative brought before the Senate, which has since been stopped for 2009
with a House committee voting down the final bill Wednesday, he said "It lost 4-2, and I killed it. I've killed every one they've brought for eight years."

I can't help but remember when I was learning about our Nation's history in school. I remember learning about women fighting for the right to vote, African Americans fighting for the right to be in the same ROOM as white people. I was just so shocked that anyone could have ever thought it was alright to treat people like that. My how far we've come...that's what I thought. And here we are. Again.
I am so glad I won't be having children. I wouldn't want my kids or their kids learning about this some day. I don't want to be a part of the history we're making.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well, over the weekend Whil and I moved into our new house! Three of his little brothers and our good friend Ben came out to help and we got the brunt of it done on Sunday afternoon. It seemed like there would be so much more work than there was...I guess that's because the boys did all the heavy lifting. I helped though, damn it! I was a packing MACHINE. And I carried a lot of boxes and Ikea bags and the like. Oh, a little tip to those who don't know, the big blue reusable Ikea bags are so usefull to have when you're moving. They can hold just about anything and they're much easier to lug around than boxes. Not to mention, they're much more eco-friendly than carboard boxes. We seriously only had like 4 real boxes full of stuff, and the rest was in Ikea bags. They're my new favorite thing.
The house is still awesome. There are a few things I wish I would have noticed before we moved in so they could have been taken care of before we started moving, but hindsight is 20/20 and they're taking care of it now, no harm, no foul. (How many cliches did I use there? Whew.)
BoDee and Fern seem to love it. They don't know what to do with all the room! I keep finding them sprawled out in the oddest places. Seems like they're just trying out all their different options. So cute.
Whenever I had to move with JayDee, she would get really anxious and would wind up either having the runs or vomiting for a few days, so I was a little worried about how BoDee would take this move since it's our first with him. He seems to be doing pretty well! The only thing is that his behavior is leaving something to be desired. BoDee is a pretty damn good dog, he doesn't really get into trouble at all, but on Sunday Whil and I were out picking up some stuff from the apartment and when we came back, BoDee had torn through the trash (SO not his style), peed in the kitchen and taken a dump in the living room. We were pretty shocked! He got in pretty big trouble though, so I don't think we'll have to worry about anything like that happening again.
I hate disciplining him, he's SO sensitive. But it for sure had to happen, we would like to keep that good dog stuff going for as long as we can! :)
Other than the new house, things are moving along as usual. I'm feeling a little depressed as of late...but eh, what can you do? I'm working on some personal relationships, but I don't really see any gain yet, and that is pretty discouraging.
I'll post pictures of the new house soon...maybe some with BoDee in them since I STILL haven't posted any of him. HA!