Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Moving right along

So really, I have nothing new to report.

This should be an interesting read, yeah? Sorry. Um...Whil has begun the re-hiring process at Unisys. I feel bad...he hated that job, hell I hated that job when I had it...but we just can't have him out of work anymore. The stress has really been killing us. So it's nice to know that he will be bringing in a paycheck again soon.

Besides that, my thumb is healing as well as can be expected. The blister finally popped on Friday. It was REALLY gross. I won't go into details, but yeah...gross. So now I just have this shiny pink skin that has no elasticity what so ever. It's really odd. I thought for sure that once the blister popped I would regain the use of my left thumb, but noooo...now it's even worse. Since the new skin is on the knuckle, I can't really bend it at all. Lame.

Oh, went to The Roots free show at the Gallivan Center last week. It was a pretty good time! That place was packed to the gills, and the beer lines were an ungodly length, but I survived. I ran into the Bishop's son I dated for like 3 years. That was interesting. Sometimes I miss the kid. I mean, not like miss him in the let's get dirty sense, but I miss talking to him. We exchanged numbers and all that, so hopefully sometime we can sit down and catch up. He's actually getting divorced right now, so maybe I can give him some tips. HA! Like I have any tips other than "well now you'll know better".

What else? Oh! My poor Gillian had a battle with a golf cart yesterday and now has a broken foot! She's doing alright though, just trying to get used to the crutches and getting around her condo since she lives on the second floor and there is no elevator or ramp (isn't that some sort of code violation?). Whil and I took Oliver off her hands for a while since she can't really get him outside too easily. It's nice to have my Bunny visiting again.

I think that's it...yeah? Yeah.

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