Monday, June 30, 2008


I amaze myself...seriously.

Saturday, I was at the mall (Gateway to be specific), and I was doing some window shopping. Window shopping is just about the only shopping I can do these days, but I digress.

Anyway, I was leaving Forever 21, and was digging in my purse for my sunglasses. I glanced up to make sure I wasn't going to run anyone down or anything while I was searching, and located the door...or what I THOUGHT was the door. Next thing I know, I'm walking into a plate glass window. I made this god awful scream sound that I don't think I could recreate if I wanted to, and bounced off the window with my FACE. I immediately turned around to see who had seen me do it, hoping against all odds that no one had been watching. I was wrong. Half the fucking store saw me. A dude who worked there made a joke about the windows being really clean...I just hissed "YOU SAW NOTHING!" and ran out as quickly as I could, laughing at myself the whole way.

Turns out, Gillian was at Sanctuary and had seen me walk by so she texted me to tell me to come see her at the salon. I headed over to share my story with her, but I was so frazzled that I basically did laps around Gateway trying to remember where Sanctuary is. I finally called Gillian to ask her, only to be told that I had walked past it at least 3 times. She was watching me from the window.

So, I've been trying to decide what to do with my hair lately, as far as color goes...and I think Saturday's display of stupidity may be pushing me more toward going back to blond. Clearly, my natural color is fighting its way through.


Seth & Kirie said...

This rivals your gas pumping struggle a while back...bwhahahaha!


ultrajonda said...

Ah man, I had all but forgotten the gas pumping debacle of what was it...2006? Maybe 2005...

I am so alarmingly intelligent.