Monday, July 28, 2008

I suck at this...

Hi. Sorry, as it turns out, I don't have free time anymore. It does not exist for me. You know what does? Overtime. That exists in a very big way.
Besides hours and hours of work...I can't say too much is going on.

Whil is starting Unisys again on 08/04. This is a HUGE relief. Money has been really, really tight. At least we can say we got through it though, I guess that's good.

I just found out a very close friend of mine is pregnant! I'm super stoked about this. I would say who it is...but it hasn't been 3 months yet, and you're not supposed to tell everyone till after 3 months, apparently. So after 3 months, I'll tell y'all. :) She is officially my first and only friend to get pregnant intentionally. How sad/funny is that shit? Either way, it's awesome news, and I couldn't be more excited.

My adopted little sister, Amanda headed off to boot camp for the guard today. :( We gave her a proper farewell on Saturday, though. As I hear it, she and her friends were puking all night. Hahaha! Man, I wish when I was 18, I had had an older sister and her friends to get me plastered in the safety of their home. She better be grateful!

Hum...what else? Not much I guess. Drank myself sick on Friday night. That was good time. Puking out of the car (door open) while Whil makes a let turn at a very busy intersection. Definitely in my top 5 finest moments. Ummm...oh, got drunk with Daddy last night. lol. Good times! He always has the best Tequila. It also marked the first time I've taken shots with my Step-Mom. About damn time!!!

I think I'll call it done now. Hopefully my life starts being interesting again, soon.


..... said...

your'e doing alright

Seth & Kirie said...

I would just like to publicly announce that I am NOT the very close friend that is pregnant.

Glad we cleared that up :)

Oh - and can we hang out soon please? I need some Jonda in my lonely lonely life!


Shane, Kristen, and Tristen said...

<3 You bloggered about us? Have you gotten a letter from Manda? I am officially 13 weeks along tomorrow!!!! Yay! You will be an Auntie before you know it! :)